The main results expected from the project "Nature in Schools and Schools in Protected Areas" are as follows:
The programme "Children's Passport for Protected Areas" which will involve:
- A travel diary for the protected areas visited, to be filled in by children and pupils;
- A selection of information about protected areas and educational programmes for children (camps, trips on thematic routes etc.);
- A support for questions, impressions, information collected during the children's visits in protected areas;
- A file for self-adhesives with representative pictures and photos from protected areas.
The virtual Library of Nature will include:
- Very useful bibliography for teachers, protected area staff and other persons involved in education programmes;
- Ecological education publications edited in Romania;
- An electronic catalogue of ecological education publications, with information about authors, content, user instructions and how the publications can be obtained;
An education manual on the role of protected areas in sustainable development
Ecological education courses for teachers
- These will help teachers to deliver to children the importance of nature conservation and environmental protection more efficiently;
- The trainees will contribute to the development of educational programmes for nature in the protected areas from their region;
Demonstrative classes on ecological education in schools aimed to
- Show how the on-line library can be used by teachers to prepare lessons or discussions during the educational classes on nature conservation topics;
- Explain specific methods of education for nature, such as using animation and interpretation for nature techniques and raising teachers' interest for including such methods in their activity;
- Present attractive, interactive and innovative lessons to children;
- Promote the Children's Passport for Protected Areas.
Junior Ranger Camps
- 5 camps organised in 5 different protected areas in Romania.
Funding organizations
Through the EEA grants and the Norwegian grants, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to reducing social and economic inequalities and to consolidating bilateral relationships with European beneficiary countries. The three countries cooperate closely with the EU through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement.
The project aim was to contribute with innovative solutions to raising citizens' awareness and information nationwide about environmental issues in general but mainly about the role of protected areas in sustainable development.
What is NinS
What is "Nature in Schools and Schools in Protected Areas"?
In the media
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